They may look tough, but hundreds of bikers across Texas have shown that they really are just big softies at heart.

Hundreds of bikers descended on rainy Austin for the 28th annual Austin Motorcyclists Toy Run benefiting the Helping Hand Home, which helps neglected and abandoned babies.

“We could not be more grateful for these rough-and-tough men and women, who have brought so much joy to our children this holiday season,” the organization wrote on their Facebook page. “Thank you to all who weathered the storm to make the 28th annual Toy Run a huge success!”

Another biker event was held nearby to help families who can’t afford gifts this year. Nearly 1,000 motorcyclists escorted a semi truck filled with bicycles and boxes of toys for the TriCounty Toy Run.

Read more about how these bikers are helping make Christmas special for kids across Texas at Fox News.