by Heather Laskin | Jan 22, 2019 | Animals
It breaks our hearts to see anyone or anything abused or mistreated. No one should ever be treated with anything but love and kindness, and when a person treats a helpless and innocent creature – human or animal – cruelly and heartlessly, it’s enough...
by Heather Laskin | Dec 14, 2018 | Awesome, Inspiration
Amy and Mike Howard were in for the surprise of their life when a routine ultrasound revealed they were having triplets. To conceive triplets without the help of fertility drugs is rare enough. But things got even more unusual when the couple learned all 3 triplets...
by Heather Laskin | Nov 10, 2018 | Featured, Inspiration
When you’re a police officer you never know what kinds of calls you’re going to get. And you never know when one of those calls will change your life forever. After 13-year-old Cameron Simmons made a distressed call to the Sumter Police Department, Officer...
by Heather Laskin | Nov 10, 2018 | Inspiration
She might not call it a miracle, but everyone else who has heard her story sure does! Lyndee Pellettiere-Swapp fell into a coma and was found by her son, Steven. She was rushed to the hospital, but remained in the coma for 12 days. Lyndee’s husband kept...
by Heather Laskin | Nov 10, 2018 | Featured, Inspiration
Anyone who has been to a wedding knows the famous part of the wedding vows: “Till death do you part.” The words are meant to convey the strength of the bond this couple now shares – they are in it for the long haul, come what may. Sadly, these vows...