Jerina Edwards has been fighting breast cancer for a while. It’s been tough, but she is strong, and thankfully now the end is in sight.

Recently, she and her family went out to eat at a little Chinese restaurant after church. They were having a nice evening together and appreciating the time they got to have as a family doing “normal” things together.

They were finishing up when they asked their waitress for their check, but when she brought it Jerina saw something written on it that left her in tears.

“I lost my wife to cancer 5 yrs ago,” the note read. “I know how tough it can be going thru this. Your meal is on me. Merry Christmas.”


The sweet gesture touched Jerina so deeply that she shared a picture of the heartfelt note on Facebook, where it has since gone viral.

She noted that, more than anything, “cancer has shown me that there are a lot of good people in this world.”

“I am grateful my own family won’t be leaving notes like this for others,” she continued. “It has been hard, I have fought, I have been sick, tears have been shed, I have missed out on things, I have lost my hair, and I will lose my breast, but I will live. I WILL LIVE. My parents will still have their daughter, my husband will still have his wife, my children will still have their mother. Whoever you are – thank you.”

Cancer is a battle, and the victim, as well as their loved ones, suffer wounds and scars, both physical and emotional, but it’s acts like these that give these fighters the strength and will to press on.

Thankfully, Jerina is fighting a battle she can win!

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