A couple living in England tried for seven years to have a baby and were just about to give up when something they called a miracle happened.

Beata Bienias, 36, and husband Powell, 40, tried in vain to have a baby naturally for three years. Then they turned to a fertility clinic, where they would try without success for four years. Bienias was just about to give up, considering the option of adoption at that point.

“I spent many days thinking that maybe I was the person who would never have a baby,” she said.

One way or another, she would become a mother.

“There’s some couples that haven’t got any. We were thinking even about adopting to change our life, to have little angels in our life.”

Finally, Bienias and Powell decided they would give it another chance. Since doctors told the couple that Bienias’ weight and her polycystic ovaries were making it difficult for her to get pregnant, she started a new health regimen. She worked hard to lose the weight, dropping 70 pounds, but even with all of her efforts, she couldn’t seem to have a child.

As a last resort, the couple decided to try in vitro fertilization (IVF).

“It was amazing,” she said. “It was a really emotional time. I couldn’t wait for the moment to collect my eggs. I cried when I had the embryo put inside me.”

While waiting to have the fertilized embryos implanted, doctors told the couple they couldn’t have sex for four days. Afterward, she was advised that she shouldn’t get her hopes up by immediately taking a pregnancy test. As it turns out, the couple didn’t exactly adhere to the rules.

On Bienias’ birthday, they were intimate. Then just nine days after the doctors implanted the fertilized embryos, Bienias couldn’t resist taking a pregnancy test.

“But I couldn’t wait, and I did one after nine days,” Bienias said. “When I saw those two lines, I went out and did about five or six more tests, just to make sure. It was amazing.”

They were so excited that they went on vacation. Upon return home, they went back to the fertility clinic so Beienias could have a sonogram. That’s when they got the surprising news.

“When I sat down the sonographer told me not to be nervous if they couldn’t see anything the first time,” Bienias said.

“But then she turned to my husband, and she asked him if he would like to sit down.”

There on the screen, they saw that three embroys were developing. Amazingly, the doctors determined that only one of the embryos came from the IVF procedure. The remaining twins were conceived naturally a few days before the procedure on Bienias’ birthday.

The fertility experts were amazed, calling it:

“almost impossible.”

“In my 25 years as a fertility specialist, I have only come across one or two scenarios in which women have fallen pregnant whilst undergoing IVF treatment,” Emma Cannon, founder of the Emma Cannon Clinic in Chelsea, told SWNS. “But this has happened before the embryo transfer takes place — and they then choose to proceed with the natural pregnancy, and do not proceed with the IVF cycle.

Mum falls pregnant via IVF then discovers she was already pregnant with twins, leaving her with 3 babiesA woman who…

Posted by Penpoint Review Media on Monday, January 21, 2019


“I have never encountered anyone who has conceived naturally before, or around the time of, embryo transfer, and then gone on to become pregnant via the IVF cycle as well,” she continued. “But I also know that there is much we do not understand and miracles do happen. I wish Beata all the very best with her three little miracles.”

All three healthy children, Amelia, Matylda, and Borys, were born by Caesarian section on December 13. The happy parents were thrilled and proud of their little ones. They also had their work cut out for them. Their lives would change forever.

“I never, ever thought there would be three in there,” said Bienias.

“I still can’t quite believe it when I look at the three of them. I’m so happy.”

From the first day till the last day we receive a wonderful help, care and understanding.Thank u especially a midwife…

Posted by Beata Bienias on Friday, December 21, 2018

From the first day till the last day we receive a wonderful help, care and understanding.Thank u especially a midwife…

Posted by Beata Bienias on Friday, December 21, 2018

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