Femi had been deployed for a year serving in the U.S. military and had been greatly missed. He wanted to surprise his siblings and mother with his return, so he casually walked in the door of their home and stood there, waiting to be noticed by his family.
It did not take long for the startled and then elated family to scream and cry tears of joy. While everyone was excited, the most outwardly thankful and beyond joyful in the room was Femi’s mother.
“I give you all the glory. I thank you, Lord. I praise you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, my Lord. Thank you, my Savior,” Femi’s mom cried out over and over again as she hugged her son.
Of all the videos I’ve watched of soldiers coming home and surprising their families, this one is so extra-precious because of Femi’s mom’s continual thanks to God, her happy dance, and her screams of joy before running into her son’s arms for a long and much overdue bear hug.
The moment is absolutely precious and this video is one you won’t want to miss. I found it impossible to not shed a tear while watching it.
"Today is the best day of my life thus far. My big brother Femi just came home from a year abroad serving in the US Military. Got to surprise Momma Bear and this is how it went…"For our best love stories, subscribe to our free email newsletter: http://bit.ly/29l733Q#LoveWhatMatters
Posted by Love What Matters on Sunday, July 16, 2017
Femi prostrated himself in front of his mother, a sign of gratitude, respect, and honor in the Nigerian tradition, before embracing her in his arms. Then, as she thanked God, he kissed her on the forehead and they gently rocked back and forth in a hug.
Other family members watched and cheered in the background, one raising his hands as if his favorite team had just scored the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl. They hugged each other as they waited their turn to personally welcome Femi home.
As Femi began to hug the others he joked, “I’m definitely in the right house!”
Welcome home, Officer. We are so glad this was shared with all to enjoy!
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