Some people have no patience. They are so absorbed in their own lives; they can’t see past what’s next on their calendar. They are in such a hurry they can’t be inconvenienced by loud, noisy children.

I’ve been blind since birth. My disability is PART of my life; it doesn’t make up who I am as a human being. I’ve found some people don’t know how to respond to someone with a disability. Education is a way to enlighten the uninformed. With knowledge, most people become more comfortable.

I’m an adult; so I can’t say I know the hardships those parents with children with multiple disabilities experience while in public with their disabled children.

It’s unacceptable how some people respond to a child with a disability and their family. Pointing and staring and making rude comments are just horrible and cruel. It can be confusing for the child and hurtful to those adults responsible for their care.

Steph Tate is the owner of Barrel Chapeltown restaurant in Sheffield, England. She and her employees were heartbroken when a father with a disabled child thought he needed to ask for permission to bring his child into the facility. The concerned father said he’d received nasty comments in the past when his son would wave his hands about and make loud noises.

The staff reassured him that of course, he and his son would always be welcomed at their establishment.

Tate went further, posting this statement on her business’s Facebook page. She wanted to inform all diners of the restaurant’s policy on welcoming those with disabilities and how they’d handle anyone who spoke out against a fellow patron.

“Yesterday a parent came in and asked me if his wheelchair-bound child was ok to be in the pub, I was confused why he felt he needed to ask. This man went on to explain that his child sometimes makes loud noises and waves his arms about, people have made comments in the past when he has taken him out. It broke my heart that a parent felt they needed to ask if it was ok for his child to be here just like anyone else.

“My intention is not to embarrass the parent who I spoke to yesterday; it has played on my mind all night about how this man must have felt asking me if his child would be accepted in here. It then got me thinking about how many other people must be in the same position.

“Whether you need us to get you extension leads to plug specialist equipment in, help moving tables/chairs for wheelchairs or any other help you may need, everyone is welcome in my pub and help will always be offered by all of my staff.

“If you’re sat at home with a disabled child, partner or friend and feel on edge about taking them anywhere due to fear of someone making comments please feel free to bring them here. If I find  anyone making negative comments or being disrespectful, they will be asked to leave not you.”

PLEASE SHARE.Yesterday a parent came in and asked me if his wheelchair bound child was ok to be in the pub, I was…

Posted by The Barrel Chapeltown on Monday, June 25, 2018

Good for you, Ms. Tate! Don’t put up with bullies. All they’ll do is drag you down. I wish I lived closer to her establishment. Sounds like a terrific place to spend my time.