Nine-year-old Marley has always been a huge animal lover. Her family has two dogs, two cats and a guinea pig, and she takes the lead on organizing the donation cans at the local pet supply store.

Out of all the animals, though, Marley had a favorite – her black cat Simon. When he passed away last year Marley was devastated.

After she had grieved, Marley started to ask her parents for another kitten, but with two more cats at home her parents were not ready to bring a new kitten in.

Not, at least, until they found a little black kitten under their friend’s porch.

“Ella was actually found under a friend’s porch with a sibling, their mother believed to have been killed on the road,” Marley’s mom, Nikki Frost, said. “I had no intention of bringing another cat home, but… sometimes you just know these things are meant to be.”

Nikki decided that she would surprise Marley with the kitten, and the surprise definitely paid off.

“Marley had NO IDEA,” Nikki said, “she had come home from a friend’s house and the rest is history!”


“I love it, mama! I love it!” Marley cried as she cuddled her new kitten, who looked just like a miniature version of her beloved Simon.

Marley named the new kitten Ella and the two of them have become the best of friends. We know Ella has the perfect home with Marley and will have a friend for life.

Were you as touched by Marley’s sweet reaction to seeing Ella as we were? So share this!