Content via Scary Mommy
Graduation season is upon us. Pretty soon, millions of high school seniors will don a cap and gown, collect their diploma and head off to their futures, whatever they may hold. It’s an exciting time for these teens and their parents, but it’s also a time for reflecting on how far they’ve come.
A Texas high school started a very sweet tradition that provides that reflection for the departing seniors, while also inspiring the little ones who still have a ways to go in their school careers. It’s called the “Senior Walk” and be warned: the photos might make you teary.
Van ISD posted photos to their Facebook page of this new graduation tradition that every school should do. According to their post, the Senior Walk allows the graduating seniors to walk the halls of the Elementary, Intermediate and Middle School campuses with the students at all of the schools lining the hallways to cheer them on.

Image Via Facebook
Is anyone else’s heart exploding seeing those little faces looking up at the Big Kids? I know my children think teenagers are basically celebrities. They would lose it if their school did this. Indeed, the Facebook post says, “Our younger students cheered them on, gave them high fives, and shared in the excitement of their graduation.” How absolutely adorable.
When asked their thoughts on the walk, senior Ashley Mosley said, “I never knew how much of an influence we had on the younger kids, but seeing their faces light up as we walked through their halls and high fived them, it really put it in perspective for me. It’s something I’ll never forget… Read more