Balancing school with other commitments — work, interning, volunteering, a social life, etc. — can be a challenge for any college student. It’s even more difficult for students who are also parents. The majority of these people have to factor in childcare arrangements and be available in case of a last minute change.
Student and single mom Morgan King knows this situation all too well. The 21-year-old is a Therapeutic Recreation major at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and her parents normally look after her 3-month-old daughter, Korbyn when King is at school.
Recently, however, King’s parents had another obligation, and King couldn’t find a replacement babysitter in time, so she had to miss her human development class to care for her daughter.
When King email her professor, Doctor Sally B. Hunter, to explain her absence, Hunter’s kind response made the single mom tear up.
Told my professor I missed class yesterday bc I couldn’t find childcare & this was her response. I’m literally crying. So blessed/thankful??
— Morgan King (@morgantking) June 16, 2017
Hunter explained via email that she was sorry King had to miss class because of childcare issues, and that if the problem arose again, she should feel comfortable to bring the baby to class.
“I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes,” Hunter explained in the email.
King was so touched by the kind gesture that she posted Hunter’s full email on Twitter. Other Twitter users clearly loved Hunter’s response too because the tweet went viral. Since it was posted on June 15, it has amassed over 26,000 likes and almost 5,000 retweets.
Read Hunter’s response to all of the attention her kind gesture has received on a plus.