Any parent can tell you that patience is not something kids have a lot of. What mom hasn’t heard the screams of “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” when they’re on the phone?
But sometimes kids surprise us with not only their patience, but their kindness.
During hockey practice one day, this little boy saw that his friend, who has special needs, was having a difficult time moving the puck around on the ice, so he went over to help him.
It took a while, but the boy patiently guided him, skating alongside him, retrieving the puck when he accidentally hit it away, and making sure no one else got in the way or stole the puck.
When the goalie saw what the boy was doing, even he got in on the action. Together they created a moment that this special young boy is sure never to forget!
Click below to watch the sweet moment for yourself. The boy’s reaction at the end will melt your heart!
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