You asked and we answered!
Here at So Share This we love to bring you the positive and uplifting stories that the mainstream media often ignores. But we also want to do more.
Part of our mission is to give back to worthy causes that are doing good in this world and to share our passion for spreading love and kindness.
We have helped support a number of wonderful causes, including bringing clean water to kids in Africa and helping people confined to bed get their strength and mobility back, but this month we decided to try something a little different.
Earlier this month we gave you, our readers, the opportunity to choose which charity we sponsored. There were a number of worthy causes on the table, but you overwhelmingly chose The Salvation Army as your charity of choice, and we think it’s a great one!
The Salvation Army has been going strong since it was founded in 1879. It all started when William Booth set out to win souls to Christ in his native England.
Beginning in 1852, Booth would walk the streets of London preaching the gospel to those who were often forgotten and cast aside – the poor and homeless, the hungry and destitute.
Instead of pastoring a conventional church, Booth went against many of the church leaders in London at the time and brought the gospel to the people. He, along with his wife, Catherine, would travel around England holding evangelical meetings. Some of their first converts were prostitutes, thieves, gamblers, and drunkards – people who had been rejected by society and never would have stepped foot in a church.
Throughout the years, The Salvation Army has become so much more than the Booths ever could have imagined. While their mission is still to reach people with the gospel of Christ and to meet human needs in Jesus’ name without discrimination, the way they go about it has changed a little from when Booth first started.
Instead of just preaching in the streets, they have numerous programs that meet people where they are at and provide help and support. These range from rehabilitation programs to veterans affairs services, prison ministries, efforts to combat human trafficking, hunger and disaster relief services, youth camps, services for the elderly, and so much more.
And, of course, you can’t talk about The Salvation Army without thinking about the person ringing the bell by the famous red kettle at Christmastime. Starting in 1891 as a way to raise money to feed the hungry in San Francisco on Christmas Day, the red kettle has become a symbol of hope and a Christmas tradition that helps feed millions every year over the holidays!
The Salvation Army is reaching people and meeting their needs right where they are, no matter who they are, and we are proud to stand behind them in their mission.
So thank you for partnering with us and helping us support such a wonderful cause that is doing so much good for so many in the world! Just by liking a story on our Facebook page or sharing it with your friends, you are helping us give more to worthy causes like The Salvation Army, and for that we are truly grateful!
Stay tuned to see which awesome cause we support next!