Now that the weather is heating up in many parts of the world, it’s easy to forget the cold of winter. When the excessive heat makes us long for the cooler weather (like in Arizona, where it was well over 110 degrees this weekend), it can be good to be reminded of the things that aren’t so great about winter, like icy streets that are difficult to walk or drive on.

For one elderly woman, the icy streets were more than an inconvenience. She became gripped with a paralyzing fear of falling and seriously injuring herself.

That’s when she walked up to a young man on the street and asked for help. She had no idea what that one simple question would lead to.

Carl Manley recounts the moment she approached him: “A couple of months ago, an elderly lady asked me to walk her home because she was scared she was going to slip on the ice. We’ve become friends and now I walk her home almost everyday.”

That one simple act of kindness led to a beautiful, multi-generational friendship that both Carl and this woman can treasure. It’s so nice to see someone go out of their way to help another human being, and even nicer to see the unexpected good that came out of it.

Were you impressed with this young man’s selfless act of kindness? So share this!