Frank was so excited for his wedding day. He couldn’t wait to marry the woman of his dreams. But there was just one thing missing, and it was breaking Frank’s heart. His son’s from a previous relationship wouldn’t be able to make it to the wedding.
As disappointed as he was that his sons would not be there for his special day, Frank understood. They lived in Arizona and the wedding was in Michigan. The rising costs of plane tickets made it too difficult for them to make the cross-country journey.
Little did Frank know, though, that his friend had a little surprise up his sleeve.
As a wedding present, Frank’s friend Jason decided to fly the boys out for the big day. He picked the boys up from the airport and then had them hide in the back of his car as they drove up to Frank’s house.
As they parked Frank came outside. Jason got out and told Frank to look at what he had in the back of his car.
At first Frank thought Jason had just brought some wedding supplies, but when he saw his sons pop out of the backseat he broke down sobbing.
His reaction says it all as he grabs his boys in a huge embrace.
“I can’t believe I’m looking at my kids right now,” he cried. “I haven’t seen them in so long.”
The moment was truly a special one, and Frank will be forever grateful that his sons were able to stand with him as he said “I do.”
Watch the sweet moment for yourself by clicking below. (Warning: Video contains language which may be objectionable to some viewers.)
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