Josh and Katie butler from Nashville, Tennessee were expecting a baby. The couple was excited beyond measure to welcome life into the world. At their 20-week check-up, doctors discovered something during the ultrasound that would change the course of the couple’s plans.

This issue discovered in the ultrasound could cause a problem for their son Dewey’s development. When he was born, Dewey was immediately taken to the NICU. He lingered there for 132 days during which doctors tried to work out what was going on with him. The precious boy died during a routine operation where doctors tried to fit him with a feeding tube.

The Butler’s were beyond heartbroken with the loss of their son, but a nurse just one floor up would soon intervene, providing them a lifeline for their grief.

This nurse worked in the NICU; she and the Butler’s had grown particularly close during their son’s time in the hospital. Her phone call surprised the couple. The nurse recalled the Butler’s had expressed interest in fostering. She knew of a little baby boy on the 5th floor named Brax who needed love.

Brax was 11-months-old; he hadn’t left the hospital since his birth. His parents abandoned him since they weren’t able to care for him. The poor little man suffered from pulmonary hypertension, chronic respiratory failure, and tracheomalacia. Doctors believed that Brax’s condition would improve as he got older.

As soon as the Butler’s brought Brax into their home, his circumstances improved. Josh and Katie loved their foster child. They made things permanent in September 2017, officially adopting Brax.

They will always miss their Dewey. They know he is free from pain and they feel his loss. They understand that with his death, they have the space in their hearts for another child in need of love.