It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like magic tricks. From simple card tricks to mind-blowing levitations and disappearances, there is just something about watching a good magician perform that can bring wonder and joy to people of all ages.
But there is a difference between watching these tricks as an adult versus as a child. When I watch a magician perform I am looking for the loophole, trying to figure out how he or she does it. But when a child watches, everything they see is pure…well, magic.
Such is the case for this adorable little tot. His older brother is trying out some new tricks for his captive audience and, if this baby’s reaction is any indication, he could have a bright future as a performing magician ahead of him!
The look on the baby’s face as he realizes his brother’s hands are empty is one of pure wonder and amazement, and it is absolutely adorable! He’s going to grow up thinking his big brother is the most amazing person in the whole wide world!
And while this boy may not be the next David Copperfield, if this video is any indication, he is definitely going to make one great older brother!
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